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The scope of topics to be covered by the EIA Workshop is as follows – although the list is not exclusive:

– Audit and AI
– Audit and new technologies
– Audit report and AI
– Expert systems and auditing
– Machine learning and auditing
– Audit automation and audit work
– Role of AI in identifying and assessing risk
– AI and fraud discovery
– AI and audit opinion
– Audit assurance and new opportunities
– Impact of AI on efficiency and effectiveness of auditing
– Digitalization and audit quality
– Key audit matters
– Challenges in auditing fair value accounts
– Auditing and going concern challenges
– Challenges related to sustainability auditing
– Public sector auditing
– Auditing and its standard-setting institutions
– Auditing of non-financial climate related disclosures
– Challenges of auditing practices
– Auditing and regulatory challenges
– Auditing and the convoluted issue of globalization